Swapped to this from the Purdy adjustable head as it was just pure unreliable, Sometimes it flexed so much the sleeve just popped right out and adjusted on its own whilst working causing problems constantly. This is a fixed head once you have fixed your roller place its not moving and is very reliable and you can roll all day 8-10 hrs and never have a single issue. A very reasonable price and very light, the full set up weighs little more than a 12", there is no metal on the frame at all, Its plastic type setup, but very solid and robust, no grey spotting from the spindles which I am very pleased about and the snap in spindles to hold your sleeve are a good idea and hold it in place really well, easy to snap on and snap off. Only down side you cant get very close into the corners due to the size of the spindles, just need to cut in a bit further out....deffo best 18" frame I have used so far the adjustable ones are pants!